Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hungry as a Bear

Last night I woke up for my usual 4am bathroom break (and by usual I mean since becoming pregnant - oh the days of sleeping through the night).  Due to the lovely cold I've been battling this week and lack of pregnancy approved cold medicine I was unable to go back to sleep, so I ventured out to the living room to find Mercedes for some puppy snuggles and maybe an upright nap.  While sitting in the dark on the couch with a very happy pooch, I realized I was starving!  At 4am.  Ugh.  My laziness trumped my hunger last night, so I just made up for it at breakfast.  Cereal & and an english muffin!  And somehow at 10am I'm hungry already.  This is becoming a little annoying - especially right now when eating & breathing at the same time are not really possible.  At least I stocked my desk with triscuits on Monday. 

I found too many pictures of cute & funny bears, so here are some more to enjoy.

Bear doing some yoga in a Finland zoo

Funny costume
Heart melter

Baby bear!

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