Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baby is Head Down & other updates

So I know I've been neglecting my blog lately...again so here are a few quick little updates.

Last night we had our 32 week (ok 31w, 6d) check up and we asked the midwife to check our little girl's position.  She is already head down!   I know we still had another month before they would even start talking about trying to get her to flip if she was still head up, but it's really nice not to have to worry about that at all.  And now every time I touch my belly I know where her little bum is, haha.

So today is officially 32 weeks - only 5 more weeks until she is term.  Crazy!!  We have so much still left to do (although we seem to be way ahead of most people we meet in our classes).  Let's aim more for like 8 weeks, ok baby?

My nesting instinct has set in big time.  Not only do I want all the baby stuff in order, I want the entire house re-organized, de-cluttered, cleaned, and all outstanding house projects completed, haha.  We'll see how that goes...but last weekend was a very nice start (and I love an excuse to go to the container store)

Only 7 weeks left until maternity leave - but who's counting?  Part of me wants to get put on some sort of bedrest so I can start my leave early, but not really because I want to stay super healthy too.  My group keeps losing people (9 out of 25ish have quit/transferred/been reassigned), plus people are getting married/going on vacation/going on maternity leave, so there's lots of work and nobody left to do it.  Not exactly a low stress environment, and there is so much baby stuff/nesting left to do!

Our baby shower is on Saturday!  Yay!  And it's the final baby event we have for the super packed, baby prep month of June.  3 doctor/midwife visits, 5 birth prep classes, 1 pediatrician meet & greet, infant CPR, a newborn care class, and the baby shower made for a very busy month.  Next week is only a 2 day work week and we have no baby appointments/classes scheduled!  Maybe I can catch up on all my blogging then :)

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