Friday, May 18, 2012

Dear Baby - Week 21

April 12 – 18

Dear Poppy,

This week Mommy officially picked out your nursery bedding.  She’s been browsing different looks for awhile, but it’s much easier now that we know that you are a girl.  Mommy & Daddy both really like animals so your room is going to be pink with green, orange, & animal accents.  Your room is rather long, so part of it will be your play area too.  I think we might paint that area green for some definition.

Mommy started getting a burning in the back of her throat this week.  The heartburn begins :(  Mommy’s never really had heartburn before, so it’s a pretty new sensation.  Not too uncomfortable, but a little annoying.  She has no plans to give up spicy foods though, at least not now.  They are just too yummy!  Daddy was really sweet and bought Mommy lots of tums so she could keep them at home, work, and next to the bed too.  He’s very good at taking care of his girls.

Current Size:  Banana (10.5 inches long)  Now that you are past 20 weeks they start measure head to toe as opposed to head to rump.  You are also ¾ lb now

Mommy & Daddy

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