Friday, May 18, 2012

Dear Baby - Week 22

April 19 – 25

Dear Poppy,

Big developments this week – Daddy felt you kick!! He’s been anxiously waiting for this the moment Mommy felt you.  He’s been trying almost every night since I told him that she could feel you and thinks it’s really unfair that you made him wait so many weeks.  Daddy can be a tad bit jealous sometimes- something for you to keep in mind for the future, hehe.   Since I’ve been feeling you I’ve noticed a few patterns – you make extra movements when I eat something sweet or caffeinated.  You seem to move more when Mommy gets really hungry (are you telling me that you are hungry too?).  I notice you most in the evenings – Mommy read that during the day you like the movements I make and it lulls you to sleep.  At night when I’m quieter you wake up!  Mommy thought your movements would be fun to feel at first and then becoming a little irksome but they are still super fun.  I love knowing you are doing well and having a good time in there.  So far you haven’t done anything remotely painful or uncomfortable.

Current Size: Papaya (11 inches long & weigh 1 lbs!)

Current Cravings: still nothing out of the ordinary.  Just the usual favorite foods.  


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