Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby Kicks & other news

Behind on the blog again - oops.  Tax deadline strikes again!  I promise I'll catch up soon.

We had an exciting milestone last night - Arthur felt Poppy kick!  I've been feeling her for the last couple of weeks, and Arthur has been very jealous.  You think I'm joking, but no, he thinks its unfair he had to wait to feel comments there.  She was pretty active last night, so I had him wait with his hand in position and then it happened!  He felt her multiple times.  I don't think I've seen him this excited about the baby since the first ultrasound.  She's getting so big & strong!

And in other news - tums are my new friends.  Arthur bought me almost 300 of them yesterday to help with the burning in the back of my throat.  Not terribly uncomfortable, but annoying.  Extra calcium has to be good, right?

Today also marks the day I graduated from demi panel to full panel maternity pants.  They are soooo comfy!!  I'll still wear the demi ones (as I only have this 1 pair of full panel), but I bought a pair of cropped pants in full panel last week for our trip and I'm loving them.

Babymoon is next week and we are so excited!!  Can't wait for a week at the ocean :)