Monday, July 23, 2012

1 Month!?

I can't believe today is July 23 - only 1 more month until Baby Andersen's due date!  Things continue to be busy at the Andersens - last weekend was super baby productive though.  We got our last piece of baby furniture (a dresser) and then Arthur put together ALL the baby furniture in 1 day!  Now the nursery is actually starting to look like a nursery rather than a pink room with lots of boxes of baby stuff.  So exciting.  I can't wait to keep working on the room and put all the finishing touches on it.  

Tonight we are touring the maternity floor where our sweet girl will officially enter our lives.  As Arthur's been saying "things are getting really real!".  

Only 19 days of work left - maybe then I will actually update the blog.  Until then...