Thursday, May 31, 2012

Third Trimester!!

28 weeks - third trimester officially begins today!!  Although I'm not sure who came up with the 14 week, 14 week, 12 week trimester schedule.  Maybe because some people go 42 weeks?

That's 83 days until my due date, max of 97 days (if I go 42 weeks and they induce) until we meet  little miss andersen!

So exciting!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear Baby - Week 23

April 26 – May 2

Couple's Tower Island Resort
Dear Poppy,

This week you went to Jamaica!  By the time you are born you will be a very well-traveled little fetus.  So far you've been to Argentina, Brazil, Iceland, all over New England & New York, and now to Jamaica.  We are going to have to apply for your passport when we apply for your social security number!
Couple's Tower Island Resort
Mommy & Daddy had lots of fun in Jamaica on one last vacation before you arrive.  Mommy did lots of relaxing on the beach & loved pregnant swimming! Daddy got to go some scuba diving four times too.

Us on the resort's private beach
Daddy & his scuba buddy from NH (also going to be a new dad!)
Daddy scuba diving at a shipwreck 
Snorkeling & 23 week baby bump
We got off the resort a few times for some activities - our favorite was hiking the Dunn’s River Falls.   Daddy was a little concerned about Mommy hiking, but we were very careful & had lots of help from the guides.
Hiking Dunn's River Falls (start of hike)
End of Dunn's River Falls hike
Mommy & Daddy had nice dinners together and took nightly walks around the resort.  There was also a Piano Bar with nightly sing-alongs.
Yummy Jamaican Food
Enjoying the sing-along at the Piano Bar
Another baby bump picture
 The resort also had a veggie bar where Mommy would get fresh smoothies everyday instead of island drinks.  You would bounce around lots after those smoothies!

At the Veggie Bar
Overall Mommy handled traveling at 23 weeks pregnant pretty well.  She did go to the bathroom 13 times on the trip down (2x at home, 2x at Logan Airport, 1x on first flight, 1x at Philly airport, 4x on 2nd flight, 3x in Montego Bay airport), but the doctor said it was good to move around a lot while traveling.

Last day at the resort
Current Size: Large Mango (11.5 inches long)

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Thought of the Day

Week 26 has brought me the dreaded feet aches.  I don't know how ladies with non-desk jobs survive this part of pregnancy - all of the sudden my feet hurt all the time - like when I wake up in the morning before I even get out of bed!  Craziness.  The feet aches got me thinking about the phrases "barefoot & pregnant" or "barefoot, pregnant & in the kitchen".  What ridiculous phrases!  I can't stand being barefoot right now, unless my feet are soaking in water, and I definitely don't want to be standing barefoot on the hard tile floor in my kitchen.  I figure some man, or woman who has never been pregnant must have come up with the phrase.  So I google.  Here's what Wikipedia had to say...

"Barefoot and pregnant" is a phrase most commonly associated with the controversial idea that women should not work outside the home and should have many children during their reproductive years. It has several other meanings as well. It is a figure of speechA common assumption is that the expression relates to housewives not leaving the home, and thus not needing shoes.
The phrase "barefoot and pregnant" was probably first used sometime in the late 1940s. An article from 1949 states, "By early 1949, TWA was—in the words of its new president, Ralph S. Damon—both 'barefoot and pregnant.'"[1] Its usage may date as early as the 1910s. An article published in 1958 states the phrase was first used by a "Dr. Hertzler" 40 years earlier. "Some forty years ago, Dr. Hertzler advanced a hypothesis which young women of today seem bent on proving correct. 'The only way to keep a woman happy,' he said, 'is to keep her barefoot and pregnant."

Can't say I'm a fan.  I don't know about those ladies from the 1910's, but I think pregnant with lots of foot massages sounds like a much better way to keep a woman happy!  Speaking of which - a big thank you to my wonderful husband for the awesome massage pass for 5 visits you gave me for Mother's Day!! I can't wait to get my feet rubbed :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Dear Baby - Week 22

April 19 – 25

Dear Poppy,

Big developments this week – Daddy felt you kick!! He’s been anxiously waiting for this the moment Mommy felt you.  He’s been trying almost every night since I told him that she could feel you and thinks it’s really unfair that you made him wait so many weeks.  Daddy can be a tad bit jealous sometimes- something for you to keep in mind for the future, hehe.   Since I’ve been feeling you I’ve noticed a few patterns – you make extra movements when I eat something sweet or caffeinated.  You seem to move more when Mommy gets really hungry (are you telling me that you are hungry too?).  I notice you most in the evenings – Mommy read that during the day you like the movements I make and it lulls you to sleep.  At night when I’m quieter you wake up!  Mommy thought your movements would be fun to feel at first and then becoming a little irksome but they are still super fun.  I love knowing you are doing well and having a good time in there.  So far you haven’t done anything remotely painful or uncomfortable.

Current Size: Papaya (11 inches long & weigh 1 lbs!)

Current Cravings: still nothing out of the ordinary.  Just the usual favorite foods.  


Dear Baby - Week 21

April 12 – 18

Dear Poppy,

This week Mommy officially picked out your nursery bedding.  She’s been browsing different looks for awhile, but it’s much easier now that we know that you are a girl.  Mommy & Daddy both really like animals so your room is going to be pink with green, orange, & animal accents.  Your room is rather long, so part of it will be your play area too.  I think we might paint that area green for some definition.

Mommy started getting a burning in the back of her throat this week.  The heartburn begins :(  Mommy’s never really had heartburn before, so it’s a pretty new sensation.  Not too uncomfortable, but a little annoying.  She has no plans to give up spicy foods though, at least not now.  They are just too yummy!  Daddy was really sweet and bought Mommy lots of tums so she could keep them at home, work, and next to the bed too.  He’s very good at taking care of his girls.

Current Size:  Banana (10.5 inches long)  Now that you are past 20 weeks they start measure head to toe as opposed to head to rump.  You are also ¾ lb now

Mommy & Daddy

Dear Baby - Week 20

April 5 – 11

Dear Poppy,

You are half way done!! We can’t believe how fast the time is passing.  Now that you are getting bigger Mommy is starting to have some low back pains – nothing too bad yet, so hopefully it won’t get much worse.

This weekend Mommy and Daddy went shopping and picked out your crib and mattress.  It’s white, fairly traditional, with curved sides that make it look a little bit sleigh like.  It won’t be ready for 6-9 weeks, so it’s a good thing we went early.  Your room is still full of other stuff, so it’s ok that we don’t have it yet.

Mommy must be starting to look pregnant because she got her first seat offer on Easter.  Mommy & Daddy went to Easter Mass, but of course all the seats were taken when we arrived (even though we were almost a 1/2 hr early!).  Mommy and Daddy stood for awhile, but right before the service began the priest insisted that we sit in the front in the seats reserved for the disabled.  Mommy really appreciated the priest's kind gesture!     

We also signed up for some classes so we are ready for your arrival.  Mommy & Daddy are taking infant CPR, newborn basics, and a natural child birth class called “Mind, Body, Birth” that emphasizes the use of mindful techniques and other methods to facilitate deep relaxation.   Mommy wants you to be born in a calm, peaceful environment, free from any drugs or unnecessary interventions.  This class should help Mommy & Daddy learns ways to achieve this goal.  We can’t wait to start them in June!   

Current Size: Cantaloupe (6.5 inches long)

Mommy & Daddy

Dear Baby - Week 19

March 29 – April 4

Dear Poppy,

This week we told everyone that you are a girl!   Right now it’s popular to have a “gender reveal parties” so Mommy decided to throw a little one just for the family.  She had your grandparents & great-grandma over for dinner and baked some chocolate Guinness cupcakes for dessert.  Inside the cupcakes Mommy filled the middle with pink frosting.  Mommy and Daddy had fun making everyone wait until dessert to find out – your Grammy Andersen was especially anxious to finish dinner!  After dessert we finally announced on facebook so everyone interested could finally know that we are having a girl.  

Mommy & Daddy also got lots of stuff for you this week.  One of Daddy’s co-worker’s, Zaid, had 2 babies in the last couple of years and doesn’t need a lot of her stuff anymore.  She very generously gave or is letting us borrow many items, including her maternity clothes for Mommy to wear.  We picked up the stuff on Saturday and met her 2 ½ year old daughter, Zoey, and her 6 month old son, Finn.  They were both so cute and fun!  Hopefully you can meet them too!  It’s also really exciting to have some of your stuff in the house.  Mercedes is already scared of your car seat – she is going to have to get used to lots of new things soon!

On Tuesday Mommy is finally certain she felt some kicks!  People kept saying it feels like butterflies or gas, but I describe it a bit differently.  It’s amazing to finally feel you though!

Current Size: Mango or Heirloom Tomato (6 inches long)

Mommy & Daddy

Dear Baby - Week 18

March 22 – 28

Dear Poppy,

You’re a girl!! Just like Mommy thought.  We are so excited to finally know!  You already have your Daddy wrapped around your tiny unborn finger.  We have a very short list of girl names for you, but we are going to wait until you are born to announce to everyone.  Plus we might change our minds too.  For now we will try them out at home and hope we don't slip up in front of other people.  Mommy is so excited to be able to start planning your girly nursery too!  She also felt a new sensation during the ultrasound – maybe a kick?

Current Size: Sweet Potato (5.6 inches long)

Mommy & Daddy