Wednesday, March 13, 2013

6 Months of Growth

2 Days Old

1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 months
6 Months

Oops we put her in the same outfit for 5 & 6 months!  Oh well.  At least she was wearing different headbands :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy 6 Months!

February was a big month for Vivienne!  I can't believe she's already a half year old!  Here is a recap of our month.

To start, Vivie started having consistant meals (breakfast & dinner) this month and added many new food to her palate   To date she has tried bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, peas, squash, and apple sause.  She is a great eater, and hasn't rejected anything yet!  We are trying to teach her a few signs (eating & more), but right now she just whines, reaches, or bangs her hand on the counter if she wants more food.

We started sleep training with the Feber Method this month too.  The first night was tough (mostly for Mommy), but Vivie sleeps 11 hours straight (7:30pm - 6:30am) most nights, and has weaned off all night feedings.  She takes 3 naps at day, mostly at the same times, which is great for both Vivie & Mommy!

Vivie had her 1st real blizzard on February 8 & 9 (Winter Storm Nemo).  We got a 25 inch drop and Vivie enjoyed having Daddy home for a few days.

Vivie loves rolling from her back to her belly and has started scooting around backwards (Feb 11).  Towards the end of the month she started getting up on all fours, but still only goes backwards (which is totally fine with Mommy & Daddy!)

We also celebrated Vivie's first Valentine's Day.  Mommy & Vivie got dressed up and went into Boston to have lunch with Daddy.  Vivie also received the book "Huggy Kissy" from her Valentine (Daddy).

Vivie is a very social baby, and we have weekly playdates with some of the friends we made in her "Great Beginnings" class at Isis.  We took another class at Isis, "Next Steps" which finished in February.  Vivie loved circle time and playing with the other babies.

On Feb 24 Vivie woke up chatty and put her 1st syllables together "Bababababa..."  Sometimes she also says "Mababa" but no "Mamama" yet.  It is absolutely adorable!

Most current measurements (Feb 12): 20lbs, 4 oz (98 percentile), 28 1/4 inches long (100 percentile)

Loves: Bath time (she's figured out how to close the drain to extend bathtime!), "If You're Happy and You Know It", Watching Mom & Dad drink anything (and trying to grab our glass/bottle), watching & trying to pet Mercedes, eating her purees and stealing the spoon (but she get the spoon in her mouth), grocery shopping.

Dislikes: diaper changes/getting dressed & her car seat.  Both activities require lots of parental singing!

Friday, March 1, 2013

If at first you don't succeed...

Why hello again!  It seems I write this post a lot: I've neglected my blog, but I'm back again...I've tried wedding blogging, pregnancy blogging, so let's give mommy blogging a shot! 

Now that I am a Mom and free time is so precious, I think I will need to adjust my blogging expectations.  Instead of trying to perfectly capture every single detail (like I did with my wedding & pregnancy) and then taking long breaks in order to "catch up" on everything, I will just try to jot down moments here and there.   My goal will be 1 post a week - although I've been thinking of lots of blog posts over the last 6 months, so maybe a few more than that to start.

Here's hoping 3rd time's the charm!